
SHRISAICHILDRENANDEYEHOSPITAL https://shrisaichildrenandeyehospital.nowfloats.com

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Meet Our Doctor

Dr. Vinayak Kaware

Diplomat in Child Health. Post Graduate program in Pediatric nutrition . (Boston) International program in Advance Nutrition (Boston )


We have specious Waiting area, well ventilated OPDs . Delux room , special room , semispecial room for admit patients. Well equipped operation theater for surgeries. Aslo me have visiting facility of expert and suoerspecailty doctros in Eye care and child care also

It's Done!!

Your appointment is confirmed

Doctor Name: Dr. Vinayak Kaware

Date & Time:

Contact: 9890008802

Address: Ecogram Road, Near Langhe Hospital, Pabal Chowk, Shikrapur, Tal.Shirur, Dist. Pune

Appointment details has also been shared with you on your mobile number 9890008802. Please arrive atleast ten minnutes ahead of the scheduled time.
