
SHRISAICHILDRENANDEYEHOSPITAL https://shrisaichildrenandeyehospital.nowfloats.com

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Our Story

Shri Sai Children And Eye Hospital is one of the speciality Hospital in Shikrapur for Children's and Eye Care. We serve in all pediatric illnesses , newborn care , neonatal jaundice, all types of vaccination . as well as we have wellness service also, all type of diet and nutrition consultancy we have. We have completed  advnce course in pediatic nutrition , Post Graduate program in PEDIATRIC NUTRITION  from BOSTON UNIVERSITY  USA. As well as INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM IN ADVANCED NUTRITION. FROM Boston University. Eye Speciality We have advanced machines for eye check up which gives fantastic results for patients. We do painless , sutureless cataract surgery for our patients. All procedures in eye care are day care procedures, so patient need not spent more time. We have Advanced phototherapy unit for neonates. We have specious Waiting area, well ventilated OPDs . Delux room , special room , semispecial room for admit patients. Well equipped operation theater  for surgeries. Aslo me have visiting facility of expert and suoerspecailty doctros in Eye care and child care also
